Responses to my Art

Some responses to my work

Renee Gutzmann says:
Wow…FANTASTIC…THEY ARE SO SPIRITUAL AND FULL OF LIGHT, REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS ART. you are a gift. I can really feel these paintings, looking forward to more work from you. thank you sooo much!! wow!!

Joel Bruce Wallach says:
Really captures the dynamic essence of energy - the movement and the emotions.

Ruth Read says:
Now, this is somebody that I would like to have lunch with and get to know! I love the life experiences and her techniques are wonderful. I would love to see more. I would love to hear more. She is fascinating! Her paintings show a great depth in character and spirituality. She is very connected. I think in my words she is living in a place most of us would like to experience. Both here and there. I hope you feature this artist again somehow. I want more. That wax and oil is really something!

Karla Deacon says:
I am fascinated because of all the different media. These pictures really speak and are all so different from each other that if I didn’t know they were done by the same person I would never have guessed it! It is also my first exposure to the Encaustic media. I love it. It is so beautiful, expressive and spiritual. My favorite, though, may be “Rock Spirit” because I feel the energy in that particular piece quite strongly…I love rocks and love their energy. I hope to be able to share in more of Madeline’s work in the future.

Louanne says:
Beautiful work. I recently learned of encaustic painting and how it is performed. A very intriguing process with a wonderful quality and character. These are fantastic pieces. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!!

David J. Fleck says:
I always admired artists who work in various medias that I cannot! Impressionistic and abstract works are intriguing and this lady is wonderful!

Deborah says:
I love the wax castings and the abstract symbolism of them. What a wonderful medium to work in. Thank you for inspiring me to check out form of art

Srinivas says:
These paintings are really master peaces,If painting are not copyrighted I want to just copy these paintings send it to some of friends,In fact I want to make as a wallpapers of these paintings.I just want to thank for these beautiful paintings

Thank you for sharing your vision. I can feel a lot of passion and the colors are so intense. I think it is interesting the way you combine the colors and then the broad strokes across the page it gives such contrast. Once again, thank you.